All industries and products have realised the value shown by offering more targeted and appropriate recommendations to their customer base. In the entertainment space, this is even more important as the subscriber is always looking for personalized and relevant content that will allow them to enjoy the entertainment offering further.
MICC is a South-African developed Recommendation Engine (RE) which does recommendations at a user, item and general level, built by Discover Digital in partnership with local predictive analytics specialist, BusinessOptics,
A key component of any digital media solution, MICC was created as a predictive analytics tool to recommend ideal titles based on a customer’s stated likes and the viewing patterns of each individual user. As recommendation engines are becoming increasingly advanced, with machine learning and social engines built in to enhance their functionality, MICC will evolve in line with current trends and customer demands. Using artificial intelligence, the recommendation engine will also ‘learn’ over time and adapt as the data volumes grow.